PADI Discover Scuba Diving
La experiencia PADI Discover Scuba Diving
Te has preguntado cómo es respirar bajo el agua? Si desea averiguar pero aún no se siente listo para lanzar un curso de certificación, Discover Scuba Diving le permitirá probar y bucear para saber si le gusta.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se siente respirar bajo el agua? Si quieres probar el buceo, pero aún no estás listo para un curso, la experiencia Discover Scuba Diving es para ti.

From the pool, beach or from a boat, you can try to dive near home or while on vacation.
Despite not being a certified course, Discover Scuba Diving is a quick and simple introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world.
To enroll in a Discover Scuba Diving experience, you must be at least 10 years old. No previous diving experience is required, but you must be in good physical shape.
You will learn the basic safety guidelines and skills needed to dive under the direct supervision of a PADI professional.
If you dive in open water, you will practice some other shallow water skills to prepare for your adventure.
Prepare to:
• Review the equipment you will use to dive and how easy it is to move underwater with it.
• Find out what it feels like to breathe underwater.
• Learn the basic skills you will use during each dive.
• Have fun swimming and exploring.
• Get more information on how to become a certified diver through the course PADI OPEN WATER DIVER.